Basque CU detector

Central Unit Detector for Brazilian Portuguese

In the framework of the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST by Mann and Thompson, 1987), this central unit detector is developed to detect a central unit in argumentative answer texts in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) written by candidates for university entrance exams. First, a BP segmenter or manual segmentation has to be performed to get the Elementary Discourse Units (EDUs) of a text. To do so, insert manually a line break for each EDU.

NOTE: This tool was Powered by IXA-CLARIN-K CENTRE. For the best performance of the system the question has to be divided into two parts with a colon ":", in the first part is the question or the rheme (or focus) and in the second part are the factors or other issues relevant to the question itself. As follows:

# Qual o segredo do vestibular : inteligência , esforço ou sorte ?


You are free to use any information from this website, but we would appreciate an acknowledgement. The proper way to cite the BP Central Unit Detector is the following:

Bengoetxea, K. Antonio, J.D. Iruskieta, M. (2017). PAPER.

Mann, W.C. Thompson, S.A. 1987. Rhetorical Structure Theory: A Theory of Text Organization. Text 8.243-281.

  • Kepa Bengoetxea
  • Juliano D. Antonio
  • Kike Fernandez
  • Mikel Iruskieta